Ruck Workouts Let’s Go For Some Rucking . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 8 Miles with your event weight or greater. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 6 Miles with your event weight or greater….
Ruck Workouts Mountain Climbing, Thrusting, & Holding . GORUCK Heavy Training: 20 4-Count Moutain Climbers 20 Ruck Thrusters 1 Minute Overhead Ruck Hold 6 Rounds for Time GORUCK Tough Training: 20 4-Count Moutain…
Ruck Workouts Rucking with a Log . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 3 Miles with your event weight or greater and a log of your choosing. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 2 Miles…
Ruck Workouts A Day for Some Rest . GORUCK Heavy, Tough, and Light Training: Hey, take it easy today. You’ve been working hard all week. Have a beer and relax. Training Notes:…
Ruck Workouts Just a Little Long Ruck . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 11 Miles with your event weight or greater. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 9 Miles with your event weight or greater….
Ruck Workouts Ruck on and Ruck off . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 3 Mile. Every 60 seconds move your ruck from the front to the back (then vice versa). GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck…
Ruck Workouts December APFT . GORUCK Heavy, Tough, and Light Training: No matter what event you’re training for, everyone will be doing the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). The…
Ruck Workouts Take Your Friend Rucking . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 9 Miles with your event weight or greater. Bring a friend. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 7 Miles with your event…
Ruck Workouts Flutter Kicks, Mountain Climbers, and some Overhead Squats . GORUCK Heavy Training: 20 4-Count Flutter Kicks 20 4-Count Mountain Climbers 20 Ruck Overhead Squats As Many Rounds As Possible in 35…
Ruck Workouts Sandbag Rucking Day . GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 3 Miles with your event weight or greater and a 60# Sandbag. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 2 Miles with your event…