Ruck Workouts Flutter Man Thrusters GORUCK Heavy Training: 20 8-Count Man Makers 20 4-Count Flutter Kicks 20 Ruck Thrusters 7 Rounds for Time GORUCK Tough Training: 20 8-Count Man…
Ruck Workouts Ruck Some Miles GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 6 Miles with your event weight or greater. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 4 Miles with your event weight or greater….
Ruck Workouts Army PFT GORUCK Heavy, Tough, and Light Training: No matter what event you’re training for, everyone will be doing the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). The…
Ruck Workouts Take a log for a walk GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 3 Miles with your event weight or greater and a log of your choosing. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 2 Miles…
Ruck Workouts Go Ruck Something GORUCK Heavy Training: Find an object around the house and take it for a 3-mile ruck. Remember that you’re training for a…
Ruck Workouts Take A Nap GORUCK Heavy, Tough, and Light Training: Not sure if you’ve noticed, but Sunday is a rest day around here. Kick back and enjoy. Training…
Ruck Workouts Rucking Off Road GORUCK Heavy Training: Find a trail and ruck 10 miles with your event weight or greater. GORUCK Tough Training: Find a trail and ruck…
Ruck Workouts A Lot of Push-ups GORUCK Heavy, Tough, and Light Training: Minute 1 – 1 Push-up Minute 2 – 2 Push-ups Minute 3 – 3 push-ups Continue pattern until…
Ruck Workouts PT is Fun GORUCK Heavy Training: 50 4-Count Mountain Climbers 50 4-Count Flutter Kicks 50 Push-ups 50 Sit-ups 40 Minutes – As many rounds as…
Ruck Workouts Putting in Some Mile GORUCK Heavy Training: Ruck 8 Miles with your event weight or greater. GORUCK Tough Training: Ruck 6 Miles with your event weight or greater….